HePii BleZdEii
Gift by Color
If you are confused for what have you give to your best friend in her / his Birthday Party, if that’s true you must know first what your friend typical by some COLORS. Check this out!!
1. You have a problem and call on your best friend to come. She / he will probably…
a. Talk about something else
b. Talk to you that you’ll be OK, but she / he can’t come
c. Say that she / he will come, but half an hour later she / he cancel that
d. Ask you what the problem is, and she / he will come if the problem is very important
e. Flatly you that she / he realy want to come, but can’t
f. Come right away without asking many question
g. Directly says that she / he can’t come
h. Advice you to call someone else
i. Talk about her / his own problem
j. Listen to your stories and cry together with you
k. Ask you to go out with her / him and have fun
l. Discuss the problem over the phone or via chat without coming over
2. At a party she / he usually…
a. Always try to tell joke
b. Doesn’t feel comfortable because she or he doesn’t like party
c. Laugh with other, but suddenly want to go home
d. Wears a stylish outfit, and doesn’t care about peoples opinion
e. Only talks to people that she / he know
f. Helps the host of the party to serve food and drink
g. Far away with the other guest
h. At once look for some foods and eats while talking
i. Tries to be the center of attention
j. Suggest some games to play
k. Just stay calm
l. Quite first, then has a serious conversation with someone
3. In group work, she / he usually…
a. Does what her / his own task, and nothing else
b. Tries not to take sides when others are having and argument
c. Tries to influence other to agree with her / his ideas
d. Is chosen to be a group leader
e. Exposes her / his brilliant ideas
f. Tries to help the others
g. Goes with the group decision
h. Feels guilty when her / his ideas are different from those of the others
i. Tries to be the leader and motivates the group to do their best
j. Tries to be a good team-player
k. Has a lot of unrealistic ideas
l. Proposes some ideas, than leaves it the others to make decision
4. When you eat out together, she / he usually…
a. Desides on the place
b. Offers to pay your meal because you don’t have enough money
c. Eats in hurry, because she / he wabts to go somewhere else
d. Likes to add salt, pepper, or anything else to add to the flavour
e. Gives several options of eating places, and let you choose the place
f. Agrees of your choice of eating place
g. Enjoy the meal whatever the place
h. Makes a pact that you both go dutch
i. Like to criticize the chosen place and food
j. Give several options of eating places, but she / he decide
k. Sits in the corner, wherever the place is
l. Ask about your preference, discusses it, and makes the decision together with you
5. Her / His favorite pastime is…
a. Creating website
b. Sleeping
c. Playing musical instruments
d. Writing poems and short stories
e. Making crafts
f. Joining social activities
g. Listening to music
h. Sports
i. Hanging out in malls
j. Doin researches
k. Thinkering with her / his car / motorbike
l. Painting
Check out your answear and see the explanations bellow :
WHITE (Most “a”)
Your best friend has certain goals in her / his life. She / he is not afraid of being different, and sometimes is thought highly by others. She / he sometimes lives in her / his own world. So, sometimes she / he look selfish.
BLACK (Most “b”)
Your best frien is a calm and cool type. She / he doesn’t like changes in her / his life. Once she / he makes a decision, she / he keeps it that way for a long time. She / he prefers to stay away from crowds and arguments.
RED (Most “c”)
Your best friend is cute and lovable and likes to be your loved. She / he is childlike and cheerful, but can be “moody” at times. She / he likes people that are easy to talk to, and who can make her / him feel comfortable.
YELLOW (Most “d”)
Your best friend is sweet and innocent. She / he is trusted by many people, and has strong leadership qualities. She / he likes to improvise and always tries to make things better. She / he can make good decisions and make the right choices at the right time.
BLUE (Most “e”)
Your best friend is an artistic and creative type. She / he is good at her / his hands. As she / he loves her / his independent statues, she / he hates being bothered by others. Sometimes she / he says or does something that is not understandable to others, yet has a good intentions.
PINK (Most “f”)
Your best friend is a sensitive type. She / he always tries her / his best in everything, likes to help and cares for other people. She / he is a bit dreamy, especially when she / he thinks about romantic love like the one in fairytales.
GREEN (Most “g”)
Your best friens is not a very shy person. She / he can get along well with new people. But sometimes she / he can hurts people’s feelings with her / his words. She / he enjoys nature and almost everything around her / him.
BROWN (Most “h”)
Your best friend is an active and sporty. It’s hard for other people to be close to her / him, but she / he falls in love easly. She / he sometimes lacks self confidence too. She / he gives up easly and lets go easly too.
Your best friends always has goals to reach, and is competitive. She / he is a persuasive motivator who knows how to get people moving. She / he is responsible for her / his own actions, and she / he knows how to treat people.
PURPLE (Most “j”)
Your best friend is a mysterious yet spontaneous type. She / he is not selfish and gets interested in things easly. She / he likes to do small researches just to please her / him self. She / he also believes in team work.
SILVER (Most “k”)
Your best friend is imaginative and likes trying new things. Even though she / he is a rather shy person, she / he is considerate and is also a good listener. She / he likes to challenge her / him self, as she / he can learn things easly.
GOLD (Most “l”)
Your best friend knows what’s right and what’s wrong. She / he is cheerfull and outgoing. She / he is also a reliable organizer who can be counted on to implement other people’s ideas and get the job done.
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